Shole Develop BIO EMU (concentrate) is a biodegradable release oil concentrate for self-emulsification. Thanks to its package of emulsifying additives, this product can be used in different concentrations in concrete production. It contains only selected mineral oils and esters. It is designed for coating steel, wood, plastic and other types of formwork. When mixed with water, the product is recommended for non-absorbent or slightly absorbent formwork. The product can also be used alone as a concentrate for absorbent surfaces. Recommended Concentration of Emulsion: 1. For absorbent formwork, apply the concentrate directly to the plywood. 2. For slightly absorbent or non-absorbent formwork, free from concrete residues from previous formwork, use a minimum concentration of 1 part oil to 3 parts water. 3. in the event of adverse weather conditions, such as rain, ensure that the product is not washed off the formwork. If this happens, re-coat the formwork.